A Buffalo, New York native, Dana began to study theater and dance at the Visual & Performing Arts School. She credits her parents for exposing her to the arts at a very early age. She attended Erie County Community College and majored in Communication & Media Studies. Dana is a true creative with a niche of multiple careers including in marketing and sales. She has worked on numerous plays with Suversive Productions and was featured as a gospel recording artist and released a CD in 2012. Last, she is the owner of the Glam Garden where she is passionate about cosmetology and designing hair wings. She is a true hair fanatic! Also, she recently created a network titled “Speaklife”, which is an inspirational and faith-based podcast. Dana believes that real creativity is taking chances and living a life that suits you. Her path is not like others and she is most proud to have had parents that believed in her and allowed her to explore various art forms in life.