Master Muriel, a native of São Paulo, Brazil, is a student from Master Suassuna’s Academy. He has been training Capoeira for 23 years and has been teaching children and adults locally since founding CDO Atlanta in 2006. He travels the United States to participate in various workshops and international encounters, continuously learning and teaching about this diverse art.
Born in Minais Gerais, Brazil in 1974, Mestre Muriel Ribeiro began his study of capoeira at the age of 18. As with many capoeira beginners Mestre Muriel felt that he was not sufficiently coordinated or flexible in his first class. However, in his second class he noticed some small progress as his body began to understand the ways in which it was meant to move. In addition to these gradual increases in physical strength, little by little, Mestre Muriel gained the knowledge and experiences necessary to play capoeira.
After training in capoeira for one year, Mestre Muriel joined the academy at Cordão de Ouro in São Paulo where the founder of Cordão de Ouro Mestre Suassuna were important guides for his development. In addition to learning the game of capoeira, Mestre Muriel is also proficient in the berimbau, the fundamental instrument of capoeira and a skillful practitioner of the miudinho game developed by Mestre Suassuna. In 2004 Mestre Muriel graduated and received his cord and formal title as a Contra Mestre of Cordão de Ouro.
After teaching and travelling extensively across the United States, Mestre Muriel decided to open his own academy settling in Atlanta in 2006. Under the leadership of Mestre Muriel, Cordão de Ouro Atlanta serves as a fertile training ground for the many lessons taught by capoeira. These lessons include physical training as well as mental and spiritual preparation to confront the challenges faced by each of us in day to day life. American students receive a cross-cultural experience as they learn the Portuguese language, the physical movements, musical instruments and philosophy of capoeira. Mestre Muriel’s philosophy is that capoeira is ultimately an instrument to make friends and to have a happy life.